Some people may forget certain photos and remarks, but then again others may not.
I only forget where I got it from. If memory serves this is probably because an American sent it to me as is. The wording on the photos is not helpful, a Google search did not give me a source, but I assume it was taken in 2000 or thereabouts and in recent times as the race for the presidency took on a more serious bent, it became more interesting and dare I say, appropriate.
I am not going to enter into the massive amount of prose that has already been written about the new President elect of the USA. What I will say though, is that I have a few family members whose votes I can guess at and many others whose votes I suspect have been cast for one candidate rather than the other.
Regardless of who voted for whom, we now have a President elect who is historically significant, not only because of his ethnicity, not only because he personally can demonstrate what is still possible in America, but because he like other outstanding Presidents before him, faces the seemingly impossible task of dragging the so called leader of the free world out of the mire and misery of its current fiscal and economic woes, its current embroilment in hot wars around the world and what might turn out to be its current position as the world leader in many things .
Barack Obama is a person who has had to struggle for what he has become and thus is a person who has faced challenges before and beaten the odds and managed to come out on top.
I for one, wish him well and sincerely hope that he can restore the USA to the place that I remember from my childhood. A bright beacon of democracy, a land in which immigrants could find a chance to make something of themselves, a land to which my father sought to immigrate.