Wednesday, November 03, 2004

States attack Nelson's university plans

Associated Press reports on Tuesday November 2, 06:43 PM AAP

"State governments, academics and unions have united to attack plans by the federal government to seize control of universities.

Education Minister Brendan Nelson has outlined a series of wide-ranging university reforms the government wants to push through parliament once it has majority control of the Senate next July."

Pete's Points

It's started! They won't actually have control of the Senate until next July and they have already started to re-map the face of the country.

So much for "honest John's" promise not to abuse his powers.

There was no discussion about the Commonwealth taking over charge of universities from the states in the discussions leading up to the elections thus the government does not have a mandate for what it is proposing.

Is this an abuse of power or simply part of a non core promise - like the GST and so many other promises?

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