More maternity benefits "will cripple firms" - Management-Issues: "The government's plans to woo women voters with extensions in maternity leave and further rights to request flexible working could cripple thousands of small firms, employers' groups have warned.
Under the proposals, maternity pay is set to be extended from six to nine months – and increase of £1,400 - by 2007 with fathers able to take over some of that leave for themselves.
Mothers are currently entitled to 90 per cent of their average earnings for the first six weeks after giving birth, followed by £102.80 a week until the baby is six months old.
In addition, the “right to request” flexible working, currently open to 3.7 million parents in Britain with children under six, is likely to be extended to all 4.5 million parents of school-age children and 1.8 million people who look after sick or disabled relatives."
Pete's Points:
"Come on Aussie Come On!"
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