The name of the restaurant is "Százéves" which when translated means "Hundred Years". The food is (apparently) still good.
The prices, unlike the name, have NOT withstood the test of time. They are now on par with some of the more expensive restaurants in the world.
I have to say that I am glad that I was able to sample the fare when I could actually afford it!
When you look at the picture you will also note how narrow the path near the entrance. The roads have been changed to make way for new investments and for new shopping arcades and all that is left of the old is like this an almost hidden doorway.
For those going to Hungary on their next trip I would sincerely suggest that they try and find some restaurants in local suburbs OUT of the main tourist areas like Váci Utca.
Ask a local where he or she eats and chances are that you will get at least as good a meal (possibly better) at a more reasonable price.
Oh, and by the way if you do NOT speak Hungarian (why some people find this language difficult is beyond me) many of the younger people these days are multilingual and speak some English.

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