Sunday, November 13, 2005

Another "Conservative" approach?

found in Ananova . . .

Russia offers football thugs to France

A Russian politician has offered to send the country's violent football thugs to France to sort out the rioters.

Far right politician Vladimir Zhirinovsky says he already has hundreds of volunteers many with special forces training.

In a telegram sent to France, Zhirinovsky, who is also Deputy Speaker of the Duma, said: "We are ready with volunteer units of football fans and activists who have served in military combat hot spots.

"I am convinced that our initiative would restore total order and calm the rioting within 48 hours."

Pete's Points:

I apologise dear readers, I think I understated the problem of the world going to hell in a hand basket. It's going NUTS!

If this story is true - then we really need to start being afraid!

Then there is this article. Is it just me or does anyone else think this is beyond decadence?

The world's most expensive mobile phone

The most expensive mobile phone in the world - costing more than £500,000 - is being made in Austria.

The phone, designed by luxury accessories maker Peter Aloisson, has sections of pure gold as well as 2,950 blue diamonds embedded into the cover.

Aloisson has for the past few years been taking existing phones and customising them with jewels and precious metals.

"I knew that mobile phones would become part of daily life, and as with all things that are part of daily life, such as watches or tie pins, there should be luxury versions of them," he told CNN.

Aloisson currently produces about three phones per year, depending on orders from his celebrity and wealthy clients, mostly retailing for about £20,000.

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