I did not until recently.
Someone made this comment to me the other day and I sat around in shock. Why did they tell me? Are my ears now becoming elephantine? Have I started to get so old that my ears are more apparent than some of my other features? Are my ears UGLY?
I checked it out and have to say that I am surprised by the results of my findings.
- In the first place it's true - ears DO keep growing.
- In the second place, my ears are no longer the delectable little morsels that I am certain brought endearments from my mother.
- I have ear hairs that are quite unsightly.
- No one wants to nibble my ear lobes any more.
- My face is shrinking.
- As my hearing deteriorates my body compensates by creating a better receiver?
I wonder if there is something that can be learned from those parts of the body that keep growing versus those parts of the body that do not. Perhaps one of the secrets of controlling cancer lies in finding the differences between those cells that know how to turn off and those that keep growing. If we find out how to turn cell growth off then we might just find how to turn uncontrolled cell growth off and then - so much for cancer.
Now back to those ears!
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