Pete's PointsI was relieved and gratified to hear people who returned safely from the conflict in the Middle East say something like, "It's so nice to be home!"
Is anyone puzzled by people who talk about "HOME" when referring to the countries that they left or fled, as emigrants or refugees to escape from injustice, poverty, war, persecution, intolerance, etc?
I am!
I simply find it difficult to understand how anyone can express relief and joy about being allowed to come to Australia, stay here as a resident, take up citizenship, get employment and make a better life for themselves and then turn around the next day and call the country that they left behind "HOME".
What's more I start to move from being puzzled to being less tolerant when these same people take the time to bring to Australia, the country that should be their new "HOME", the same issues and problems that they say they could not live with and escaped from.
I don't get it.
If I hated what was happening in the other place and ran like mad to escape from it and actually was welcomed into this country and started to make a new life for myself, why on earth would I then encourage the SAME problems to happen here? More to the point why on earth would I call the other place "HOME"?
If you were once a refugee or an immigrant and have
chosen to live in Australia and benefit from what it has to offer then realise you have made a choice that is allied with the first one. A choice to leave the problems of the old country behind as you left that country behind.
THIS is your new home!
I am all in favour of cultural diversity, called multiculturalism in this country.
Let's respect and support people who come to this country to make a new life for themselves and get on with it.
I am more than happy to give equal place to other people's customs and practices.
I draw the line however when it comes to people wanting to change the laws of this country to better reflect the laws in their country of origin. When people choose to take up Australian citizenship and all the benefits that this confers they also choose to accept the laws of this country and its forms of governance.
I also draw the line when others wish to change things so that they can impose their customs and practices on me. "Live and let live is my motto."
There is an old Maltese folk saying which when translated directly states quite explicitly "Don't shit where you can smell it!"
It may be simple and crude, but I think it's spot on!