Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad waves during the opening ceremony of the heavy water plant in Arak. (AFP) |
"Mr Ahmadinejad launched a new phase in the Arak heavy-water reactor project on Saturday, saying Iran would not give up its right to nuclear technology despite Western fears it aims to make atomic bombs. . . .
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has voiced concern over the risk of diversion of nuclear materials, as the research reactor could produce 8-10 kilograms of plutonium a year - enough to make at least two nuclear bombs."
from WineDine Co
Arak another view
"Called by the Arabs of the Middle East, ‘the milk of lions’, arak, also known as arack and arraki, is the national alcoholic drink of Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. It is given this nick-name because of its highly potent and lethal character. An aniseed-flavoured colourless spirit which turns to a milky-white liquid after water and/or ice are added, it is much sought after in the Middle Eastern lands by those who indulge in intoxicating drinks. Usually drank before it matures, it is a fiery rough liquor made for tough palates."For people who practice the Moslem faith, it is forbidden to drink alcohol.
Yet in the mainly Moslem countries of Jordan, Lebanon and Syria, Arak is the "national alcoholic drink"
It's a good thing that this is not the case in Iran.
In Iran, Arak, is NOT the fiery liquor. It is the town in which the President has just opened a heavy water plant. Let's just hope that in this case the Arak that produces the heavy water will not end up being "highly potent and lethal in character" by being the precursor to the production of plutonium.
Iran says it needs nuclear power. OK let's assume that they are telling the truth. Why do they need a heavy water research reactor for this purpose?
If Iran wants to convince anyone that it is serious about it's need to create major power sources for its people then it would heed the advice that has been given to it by everyone apart from its subservient followers and get a light water reactor!
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