"Seven out of 10 workers aged more than 45 in the U.S and UK are worried about not having enough money to fund their retirement, a new survey has suggested. The study by Hartford Financial Services Group found one in three older workers in the U.S and UK was either "extremely" or "very" concerned." (from Management.Issues)I seem to remember that when I first started work in my so called 'permanent position' I noted that I was actually receiving fewer dollars in salary than I had been making on commission doing the work of a sales representative. Soon after I met people who were getting older and who had not taken care to save for their old age who were continually getting about seeking aid from anyone who would care to listen and help to support them.
Somewhere between the two experiences I got to the point where I realised that doing the work I had trained for and spent years at university becoming qualified to do, did NOT mean I was going to be well off.
I don't know what the rest of you do when confronted by such a stark realisation. In my case I wanted to make sure that I would not end up like the poor guys who had been left on their own to pay the bills with less and less money coming in. I also wanted to make sure that even if one or another form of insurance for the future did not pay off there would be some residual reserves in place to take their place.
In short, I started to plan for my retirement at the very beginning of my career.
I suspect that for nine out of ten people this would be considered to be the most foolish waste of time and money that they could think of. After all most people need their funds when they are young and still able to DO things with it. Let time worry about the future.
Perhaps that is something that is there to challenge each and every generation. In my case, now that I am retired, I know that I am grateful for my foresight so many years ago.
Medical bills for example which could break the heart (and hip pocket nerves) of most people are being taken care of (mostly) by medical insurance. For all those who do NOT have such insurance and complain when they cannot get a service or have to wait for what public services exist - my only advice is plan for the future and not just for the present, when you are healthy.
Illness can come without warning and by then it is far too late to have 20/20 vision
I suspect that most people will read this note and laugh and point it out to their friends with a comment about this aging idiot who spent his time worrying about the future.
Wait thirty years people and THEN see who has the last laugh!
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