This one has some deficits that may not be obvious to anyone else, so let me try and explain my reasoning.
In the first place I no longer have either the required amount of hair that would justify keeping this picture, nor is it all one colour, nor indeed all there, these days.
Alas, the sands in the hour-glass have shifted and as another 'age' (I simply hate to use the word birthday) creeps up on me, so the figurative autumn leaves are changing colour and falling (out, in this case).
Then there is the beard.
Following various operations, it remains a mere shell of its former self, having been reduced from its previous glory, to a mere Van Dyk.
As for the shirt with the rolled up sleeves, the tie and the large console phone, all are reminiscent of a former life, when I was employed full time and actually trying to demonstrate some sort of adherence to a corporate wardrobe without actually getting to the stage of having to buy and wear those tax deductible items.
In short folks the picture no longer represents who I am or indeed what I really look like not even in my own mind.
One not so wonderful component about my growing older, appears to be the persistent habit I have retained to try to minimise the effects and the impact of change.
If there must be change, I say, then let it come at the time of MY choosing and at a pace that I can absorb without any undue negative psychological effects. If that is not possible then let me at least CONTROL the change!
Alas, the world is neither kind nor necessarily subject to my wishes.
The changes in my persona, have come about almost without being noticed.
It appears that no amount of facing the mirror while brushing my teeth, combing my hair (or what's left of it), etc. have actually helped me to achieve any form of recognition of the changes.
It was only when, in a moment of madness, I started to work on updating a web site, by actually reviewing the contents, especially the photographs, that a hint of the discrepancies started to make an appearance and an impact.
At first, it was nothing, a feeling of incongruence, something that was missing or something that was different.
Then, the realisation hit. It was not something missing, but rather something that was present in the photos or drawings that was missing in real life.
Depression struck!
It was with a heavy heart that I started to adjust my web sites to reflect the new (or should I say new/older) me.
I had no idea how to represent the caricature of my current self. Then inspiration struck!
Just look at the little cartoon at the top of this article.
It shows a man presumably more or less in the prime of his life, who used to resemble me. Note that it is in black and white to represent the past.
He wears his watch on the left hand, he uses the phone in a left handed manner, he wears glasses, he has a beard that is like mine used to be, he wears his shirt with a tie and habitually rolls up his sleeves to get the job done. In short someone who fancies himself to be, well, if not an executive, someone at least with some level of responsibility and someone who appears to be a hard worker, someone who likes to talk and someone who obviously has some affinity with technology.
Here the picture is in colour, the hairline has receded considerably, the beard has been diminished, the ears have grown larger, the glasses are thicker as a result of deteriorating eyesight, and finally the shirt and tie are gone, replaced by a T shirt worn with a grin, outside of an office environment where nature is obviously taking its course. Note the drooping shoulders, the arms that indicate hands in the pockets, that casual, "could care less" quality.
That is closer to my reality these days.
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