Wednesday, June 06, 2007

From Management

Does having a tyrannical boss leave any kind of lasting imprint on the employee - or are employees just fond of complaining?
Well, that is the headline. It's interesting to speculate about who is complaining about whom more often.

Bosses maintain that all they are doing is taking younger employees and trying to instill in them some sense of a work ethic, propriety, respect for due process etc. while employees complain about their bosses being too hard on them.

It's all a bit of a "Catch 22" (if you aren't old enough to know what this means - LOOK IT UP!) on the one hand I am sure that there are ogres among the bosses and really incompetent and slack younger workers, but then again it has ever been thus.

What worries me of course is whether some of the younger generation of people in the UK and in Australia realise that there are really ambitious and hard working people by the BILLIONS in some of the less well developed parts of the world who are NOT conditioned to expect high wages, rights, and easy times?

As these people try to make their fortune in the world of business and work, the competition will become really fierce.

If there is a boss out there who is trying to ensure that some reality enters the heads of staff that expect to chat through the day, watch a video, listen to a CD, browse the web, or just slope off because work is all too dreadful and stressful, I say, "Good on you! Keep it up - it's not harassment to try and drum something like common sense into the heads of people who appear to have none!"

And if you want to complain about THAT then find someone who cares!

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