Bill Gates the US Defence Secretary has now added fuel to this fire with the latest announcement as reported by BBC News, to wit:
The US defence secretary has said that the shooting down of a disabled spy satellite with a missile shows the country's missile defence system works.Robert Gates said the operation "speaks for itself", adding the US was prepared to share some technology with China.
The comments came after China said the missile strike could harm security in outer space.
The US is making much of it's very public statements about this whole event and stipulating that it was in the best interests of the world's population to "take the shot" so to speak. It is now even offering to share some of the technology with China.
I don't know what game is being played here but I have a feeling that the Russians who have been suspicious of this whole episode since its inception are not likely to be amused.
Just think of the recent sequence of events and make up your own mind.
Russia accuses US and it's allies of trying to surround it with Missile Defence Shield equipment in Poland and in the Czech republic, Russia in response withdraws from certain treaties that it previously had entered into stating that it feared for its security.
US allies equipped with Aegis cruisers and destroyers have been testing weapons systems in Japan and elsewhere.
Tensions are high in the Middle East and elsewhere in the world as issues about oil supplies., global warming, the economic impacts of climate change and more domestic issues confront the world with changes on a scale that are likely to require drastic changes in life style for most of the developed world countries.Ethnic tensions closer to home in the Balkans and the reluctance of countries in Europe and elsewhere, staunch allies of the US to continue to support US efforts which are ostensibly aimed at "the war on terror" in Iraq and in Afghanistan are all placing the world community at risk.
Increasing the tensions are any acts which can 'demonstrate' that one country is capable of shielding itself from missiles aimed against it buy another nation as this sort of capacity would give that nation an advantage over others.
Shooting down satellites, a major feat of arms and technology is not likely to reduce tensions.
So when Bill Gates suggests that the missile defence test has taken place and that the world is a safer place as a result it's time to question the roles and functions that the US military is undertaking around the world and ask a deeper question which is - in whose interests is it to continue to support some of the policies which the current lame duck President has fostered around the world.
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