Pen and Ben the photographers; the happy, but tired couple with Wedding Certificate; The S family with the new inclusion PGG.
Due to identity theft from the net I have had to shorten to first names only and no surnames.
The last shot has Doug H; Peter G; (aka Garpet to some) mother in law Nancy S; Jessee S-H; Leanne S; Narelle S; Greg S; Wendy S.
So far I have been provided with some 40 photos from this photographer alone. There has to be a limit on what I can place on line. Sorry about that. If individuals wish to see their photos I can send them to you, (and I will) but please let me be selective on what I place on line.
Peter G G and Leanne S
Sunday 5 July 2009
- Dear Family and Friends
- Welcome.
- We are present today to share and be witness to the marriage between Leanne and Peter.
- It is a public, legal and emotional action that they are taking today and we are present to bear witness to their long term commitment to each other. Their commitment has been nearly 16 years in duration and they wish to acknowledge the importance of each to the other during that time as well as for the time they have left together.
- Your presence here today is much appreciated because as family and friends of Leanne and Peter, you have shown love, friendship and support through the challenges they have experienced, individually and as a couple, in the past and now.
- Leanne and Peter would also like to mention those very important people who cannot be with us today due to distance or illness. They would especially like to mention Peter's family who are scattered throughout Europe , the USA and Canada.
- There are also those who are no longer with us but have been key people in Peter and Leanne's lives, namely, Leanne's father, Henry C J S and Peter's parents Leo and Katalin G. Words cannot express the loss that their passing has brought to Leanne and Peter but they both carry so many treasured memories, lessons and personal characteristics from them that they are never forgotten or without constant importance in their daily lives.
- Leanne and Peter believe that marriage is founded on qualities of sincerity and understanding and that these qualities lead to tolerance, confidence and trust. They have respect for each other's individuality as well as the acceptance of each other's strengths and weaknesses.
- They met and commenced their relationship in 1993 as mature individuals, uncertain, but having identified great and admirable strengths and characteristics in each other which they thought were, and have proved to be, very important and worthwhile. Their different backgrounds, cultures, personalities and situations presented challenges in the first few years which were sometimes difficult but added interest and complexity to the relationship. Their strength of character, love and acceptance of each other's individuality, professional and personal dedication, love of education, culture and travel all melded together to make the dynamic, loving and enduring relationship that we see today.
- After almost 16 years together, they have lived together through sickness and health as well as good and bad times.
- Their mutual interest in genealogy has fuelled their curiosity about each others lives and the pasts of their family, relatives and ancestors. Travelling overseas to investigate and follow up on some of these people and the places in which they lived has added richness and greater understanding about each other.
- Leanne and Peter wish to add their names to the marriage register, to celebrate their long commitment and love for each other and to cement their place together in their families' histories so that people will always know what they mean to each other.
- I am duly authorised by law to solemnise marriages according to law.
- Before you are joined in marriage, in our presence, I am to remind you of the solemn and binding nature of the relationship into which you are now about to enter.
- Marriage according to law in Australia, is the union of a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life.
“(Being in) Love is a temporary madness; it erupts like volcanoes and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is.
Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of eternal passion. That is just being “in love”, which any fool can do. Love itself is what is left over when being “in love” has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident.
Those that truly love have roots that grow towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossoms have fallen from their branches, they find that they are one tree and not two. “
- (Extract from Captain Corelli’s Mandolin by Louis de Bernieres)
- Celebrant to Groom
- Peter will you take Leanne , who stands here with you today, to be your lawful wedded wife. Will you respect her, be honest with her and stand by her whatever may come, as long as you both shall live?
- Peter
- I will
- Celebrant to Bride
- Leanne, will you take Peter, who stands here with you today, to be your lawful wedded husband. Will you respect him, be honest with him and stand by him whatever may come, as long as you both shall live?
- Leanne
- I will.
- Celebrant
- Please face each other, join hands and repeat after me
- Peter
- I call upon the persons here present to witness that I, Peter G G, take you, Leanne S, to be my lawful wedded wife. I promise to care for you, respect your needs and accept you as you are.
- Leanne
- I call upon the persons here present to witness that I, Leanne S, take you, Peter G G, to be my lawful wedded husband. I promise to care for you, respect your needs and accept you as you are.
- The act of giving and receiving rings reminds us that love itself is an act of giving and receiving the most that life has to offer. These rings are the natural symbols for enduring love. They represent an outward sign of commitment signifying to all the bond of marriage the two of your share.
- Please repeat after me:
- Peter
- Leanne, I offer this ring as a token of my love and all we share in our relationship. With this ring I thee wed in the warmth and witness of all present.
- Leanne
- Peter, I offer this ring as a token of my love and all we share in our relationship. With this ring I thee wed in the warmth and witness of all present.
- May these two people, now married, keep this arrangement which they have made.
- May they be a blessing and a comfort to each other, sharers of each other's joys, consolers of each other's sorrows, helpers to each other in all the uncertainties of life. May they encourage each other in whatever they set out to achieve. May they trust in each other and not be afraid. May they not only accept and give affection between themselves, but also have affection and consideration for others.
- Leanne and Peter have declared before us all that they will live together in marriage. They have made promises to each other. They have symbolised these promises by joining hands, taking vows and exchanging rings. May peace and love be with you always.
Leanne & Peter's
Wedding Menu
5 July 2009
Sparkling Wine
Red and White Wine
Lemonade, Coke, mineral and soda waters
Rice crackers (gluten free)
Finger food
Smoked salmon and caper/caviar bites
Chicken wings (soy and tandoori)
Fresh prawn spring rolls (gluten and lactose free)
Hot dishes
Veal Moroccan with Cous Cous (gluten and lactose free)
Mild Vegetable Curry with Rice (Vegetarian; gluten and lactose free)
Fish pie
Mixed green salad (Gluten free)
Pear, Parmesan and Rocket salad (Gluten free, contains lactose)
Tiramisu Cake
Flourless Orange and Almond Cake (Gluten Free)
Mixed slices
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