I think George is losing it! I have no problem with the interpretation by the BBC that he was referring to "extremists" but "Islamic Fascists"?
George, you really have to stop referring to the "Crusades" one minute then to "Fascists" the next - these words bring up meanings and connections from the past that have some very unsavoury connections and are grossly inaccurate in any event.
Let's just look at the number of people in your cabinet who just happen to be from a Neo-Conservative background which is so far to the right as to make some of the world's neo fascists blush with embarrassment about their own inadequacies.
Whoever is writing your scripts is not doing you a favour! Get someone from Hollywood who wrote for the "West Wing" series to give you a hand! They seem to be able to capture an audience rather than alienate it!
From the BBC
Bush says plot a 'stark reminder'
President Bush said the US remained under threat |
Mr Bush said it showed "Islamic fascists... will use any means to destroy those of us who love freedom".
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