In case the word is not clear it is sozialwerk or social work - the stop sign is universal.
I can just imagine how it got there - a council worker who was in a divorce case was assessed by a social worker and as a consequence of his/her report had to pay out more maintenance to his departing spouse than he thought reasonable.
The sign is his comment on that outcome.
That's MY version of the reason for the sign - anyone else want to have a guess at what it means?
Sozialwerk doesn't mean social work. It translates into something like "social organization".
I love it! when you ask people to parti ipate in a contest to give an unusual explanation for a sign I get instead an anonymous linguist! OK so I I took some liberties with the fact that social arbeit is the correct term that is used for 'social work'.
So what?
It's being published in an English speaking country so call it cracked German! Sheesh - there is always someone who wants to put a spanner in the works and does not want to be identified and is a kill joy!
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