It seems that 'falling on his own sword,' the colourful quote attributed to Donald Rumsfeld by the media on at least one Australian TV channel is less likely than a more truthful version of this reality namely that he resigned rather than face the beating that he would be given had he stayed in office. This Defense Secretary holds the record at present for having been both the youngest and the oldest person ever to have occupied this office. No doubt it will be the feature article in his memoirs.
Then there is the new question before the house namely: what on earth prompted the former CIA director to offer to put his head in the noose and replace him?
I await with bated breath the revelations about this story as it no doubt will emerge from the press. The story I have heard to date, namely that he is a man devoted to public service and has stepped in to do his duty rings about as hollow as any story I have heard to date.
I mean, a former CIA director with a conscience and a devotion to public service?
I guess stranger things have happened - but not in my lifetime!
1 comment:
I read on one of the lefty blogs here in the states, though i know can't remember which one, that Bob Gates, presided as deputy chair and chair of CIA during the Iran/Contra debacle.
He seems to be as secretive and unethical as the rest of the bunch. Not a nice guy, and probably devoid of a conscience.
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