Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Fires In California

For those of us here in the National Capital of Australia it is a sense of deja vu that accompanies the stories we hear from California.

Only a few years ago our town was also surrounded by fires and we all learned to do our best to protect our homes and our families.

I am not sure if this is what makes me very sympathetic to what is going on over there or the fact that I actually have some distant relations who are impacted by this tragic event.

The size differential is staggering!

500,000 people were evacuated from their homes in California.

THAT is like ALL of Canberra and quite a few of the people in the surrounding districts for many miles around!

I wish all the families that are even remotely affected by the fires in California well - let's just hope that it rains there as well as here.

We could all do with some more moisture at this point and I do NOT mean sweat!

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