Saturday, May 14, 2005

300 million dollar cocaine seizure

Well, that's the headline! I wonder if anyone has actually gone to ask the farmers in Columbia what they think of this assessment of the price of the goods that they grow?

I suspect that between the street price of this narcotic substance, which is what is being quoted by the authorities, there are multiple opportunities for someone to make a dollar or two.

If the true value of the goods was considered, ie what the farmers were being paid to grow the coca plants was actually the subject of the report then someone would actually ask the question why not pay the farmers DOUBLE what they are currently getting NOT to grow the crop?

Sure this would put a lot of people out of business and not all them crooks. After all we have an entire legitimate industry that is supported by the drug trade. There are police personnel, judges, court systems, prison systems, medical facilities and the list goes on.

Could it be that one of the reasons that the "war on drugs" has been such a failure for so long is that it is simply too profitable for everyone involved whether at the legal or the illegal sides of this issue to give it up?

Let's support the farmers to grow crops that are equally or more profitable and all of a sudden the opportunity to buy the raw product could disappear.

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