Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Why humans grow old grungily

This article is one of the more interesting I have read in while. As someone who is not getting any younger I am delighted to learn that it may be possible to increase my age limits. After all, who wants to die? For that matter who wants to be 'grungy'?

I certainly recommend that people have a look at this article in New Scientist

Here is a taste of some of the contents:
"The story begins in 1993 when Cynthia Kenyon of the University of California, San Francisco, discovered that some strains of C. elegans with mutations in a gene called daf-2 lived more than twice as long as normal. This appeared to show that ageing was controlled by genes, contradicting the widespread view that it was largely the result of wear and tear inflicted by free radicals. Not surprisingly the results caused a stir. Many researchers were puzzled about how genes for ageing could evolve through natural selection."

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