Tuesday, May 17, 2005


According to an article in New Scientist my computer and I are normal.
"MORE than two-thirds of all email traffic is spam."
In my case I am finding that more and more of my emails are spam and this is in spite of the fact that I have a set of multiple filters that reduce the amount I actually have to see and deal with on a daily basis.

The problem that I have may well be shared by many others - this is that my service provider does not filter spam at the server side of the service. It means that I have to waste bandwidth downloading stuff that my filters then eliminate on receipt.

The article in New Scientist also goes on to say that by networking users could make a bigger dent in the Spam that invades all of our lives by combining information and networking to restrict access.

I am cautiously optimistic about a suggestion like this. On the one hand it offers a potential solution on the other it offers hackers who want to propagate something more noxious than spam an opportunity to link to a network and so propagate viruses.

I wonder what you think?

Have a look at the article in New Scientist and make up your own mind.

1 comment:

thesocialworker said...

I really don't understand this whole spam problem, I just don't get any and never have.