There is nothing more stimulating than being able to take classics and not so classic works and be in a position to read them on line or download them to your computer for your reading pleasure all at the cost of disk space and the time taken to download them.
This however the reality that is available to most of us these days as electronic libraries spring up around the world enabling us to take advantage of the new medium of the internet to get access quickly to books that may well be out of print or unavailable in other forms.
As most people know Google is working hard at getting a lot of work on line, but there are little known organisations that deserve a quick look like Eldritch Press listings on Ibiblilo.org
If you have some spare time and energy it is worth while to look up these holdings and other similar sites on the net and then you can have your books come to in a digital form to be read at leisure. As we move away from static computer screens to the availability of modular viewing platforms that range from lap top computers to writing tablets, IPods, Mobile Phones and of course PDAs we have the opportunity these days to carry our literature with us or to access it on line with virtually the drop of a hat.
Stop watching the idiot box for a moment and realise that there is a huge wealth of experience out there to be looked at and absorbed if only we use the technology that is more and more at our fingertips.
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