Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Mars Bars for Children?

I saw an article on the BBC today that caught my attention simply because of the link it made in my brain cells to something I can recall reading about a long time ago.

Once upon a time there was a Minister for Social Security in Australia who was very concerned about the plight of homeless youth. One day while at Sydney's Central Railway station this minister noted the number of homeless children who were loitering on the platforms begging for food and was appalled! At the same time, he noted a vending machine that dispensed Mars Bars.

In a flash of momentary brilliance that will no doubt be forever denied there was a flash of inspiration and a barely formulated idea was born.

Turning to his entourage of eager young minders he casually remarked along the lines of, "You know I think we should make it a policy to offer a Mars Bar along with the Young Homelessness Allowance. That way we can ensure some nourishment is provided to these unfortunate young people."

There were stories of the minders then having to spend DAYS trying to talk this Minister out of this inspirational idea!

Now in 2007 - so many years later, this story from the BBC No more Mars Bar ads for children.

How strange that another story about Mars Bars and children is once again in the headlines!

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