Sunday, April 22, 2007

Australian Icon trodden into the dust? Well . . . .

Did anyone else spot the latest news on the ABC?
"Pope Benedict has been given 15,001 pairs of shoes during a visit to Vigevano, the northern city known as Italy's shoe capital."
Apparently Imelda has nothing to worry about, because the article then goes on to say:
"A local consortium gave one pair for himself and 15,000 more pairs for the needy around the world."
The taste conscious among us will note that:
"The Pope was given burgundy-coloured loafers designed and manufactured by the Moreschi firm and made from kangaroo hide."
This colour is likely to be a 'feature' contrast with the white robes.

Will the devout will now make a giant rush for shoes made from Kangaroo hide?

We will know soon enough.

I wonder what the market gurus will do with this opportunity?

The mind boggles!

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