Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Sunbaking to Make Your Car Body Stronger

"CSIRO scientists have discovered a new process which could soon lead to the production of aluminium cars and planes that get stronger the longer they are left to 'bake' in the sun.

Dr Roger Lumley of CSIRO Elaborately Transformed Metals (CETM) says the new process involves curing, or age-hardening, aluminium to a point where the curing process can be completed by exposure to sunlight rather than in a furnace.The discovery arises from CSIRO's work in light alloys and advanced metals.'We found in the course of this work, that if the high-temperature aging process used to strengthen aluminium components, such as castings or motor vehicle body panels, is interrupted and the material is allowed to undergo secondary aging at ambient temperature, the material became 20% tougher', Dr Lumley says."

Pete's Points

Assuming that we have manufacturers who really want to build stronger and safer automobiles and aeroplanes we could actually have vehicles that improve with age! I wonder what that would do to their re-sale values not to mention insurance premiums?

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