Monday, June 26, 2006

An interesting question of loyalty

I wonder how many people watched with interest the article on our SBS channel that concerned the travel of two Australians to Italy to take up their positions in the Italian parliament after the elections there recently?

It seems that electoral reform in Italy now means that people who are both residents and citizens of Australia but were at least born in Italy can now vote in the Italian elections.

Strange to say the least, but interesting considering the results on the larger picture.

Who are Australians of Italian extraction going to support when Australia meets Italy in the next round of the World Cup soccer?

Sine they appear to be citizens of both countries and able to vote in both will it matter? Will their support waver from one country to the other as the scoring changes so as to urge the side that is losing at some point to greater effort? Will the loyalties be so divided that fans cheer anyone on the field and feel good (or bad) regardless of who wins or loses?

I for one want to hear how Australians who are also Italian citizens are handling this situation.

Where will the loyalties lie and why?

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