Saturday, July 07, 2007

An indigenous point of view

The latest from the ABC
The Combined Aboriginal Organisations (CAO) of Alice Springs says most of central Australia's Indigenous people have no idea about what federal Indigenous Affairs Minister Mal Brough is really proposing to tackle child abuse.

The CAO is a peak Aboriginal body representing organisations such as CAAMA Radio, the Central Land Council, and the Aboriginal Congress in Alice Springs.

The CAO's Graeme Smith says community confusion is rife as the federal Government seeks to clarify its position on health checks for children and other issues.

"He [Mr Brough] said on one hand he's going to ban porn, ban substance abuse, ban alcohol from communities for six months and then the next couple of days he turns around and says, hang on maybe wet canteens is the way to go," he said.

"I mean, this is just policy on the run."

It's more than policy on the run, it's two sets of "spokes people" playing games - one trying to get re-elected and another trying to get more money and resources!

Who is kidding who in this whole thing?

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