Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The value and distribution of "Pork"

I wonder whether any of the media have managed to records and add up all of the "pork" that has been promised for distribution over the last few weeks?

If not this could be a very worthwhile exercise.

I for one would like to know:
  1. how much are we being offered for our vote by each of the parties concerned
  2. how much the voters in marginal electorates are being offered for their vote vs safe seats
  3. how much is being offered to special interest groups by name
My reasons for wanting to know are simple:-
  • answers would assist in analysis of voter behaviour
  • answers would be able to determine more accurately who can be bought and also for how much
For people who currently live in 'safe seats' it's really not important on THIS occasion.

However, once people know how much is on offer in marginal seats - if they live in non marginal seats today, maybe they can use the information judiciously to create a situation over the next few years where they too will be able to benefit from the generous offerings that seem to come around at election time for the lucky few who live in marginal areas!

Alternately of course people in safe seats could always go on the Internet and offer their votes for sale - it could help the major parties in distributing their largesse.

PS. OF COURSE I AM KIDDING about offering to sell your vote!
Democracy is precious!

(oh crap - that comment will elicit even MORE emails!)

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