Thursday, February 28, 2008

Consumer Intelligence You can never have too much

It's interesting what you come across in your mail box. Here was a leaflet from CHOICE magazine

I thought great - here is a reliable source of information that is available to health consumers anywhere really since they are on the web so why not take advantage of it.

I have used the graphic which the proudly displayed in the pamphlet that was sent to my home so please allow me to acknowledge where it comes from. Personally I think it's a great graphic as it shows in great detail some of the elements that consumers need to be aware of:
  1. Being cluey
  2. Being value seeking
  3. Having knowledge
  4. Being scam aware and
  5. Being discerning
It's not often that I feature something I can recommend on these pages, but I will this time.

They are great value - check them out!

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