Sunday, December 12, 2004

Do you understand America today?

For those of us who have been friendly to the USA over the years some of the more recent behaviour of the government of the USA may seem inexplicable.

No longer can I say that.

I am amazed to have found documentation which sets out exactly what the power brokers of the hierarchy in the USA see as the future domination of the world by the United States.

This documentation is from PNAC or the Project for the New American Century. Among its advocates are:

Vice President Dick Cheney
Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
Paul Wolfowitz
Jeb Bush
Dan Quayle

I am not going to try and influence people by simply stating what it is that these people are saying and wanting to achieve. I would like the readers of this BLOG to find out for themselves.

When you read the Statement of Principles you should feel a chill all the way down your spine as you recollect that Adolf Hitler produced a document entitled "Mein Kampf" which set out his future intentions which no one believed.

This is another example of a document which sets out intentions that indicate that the the USA should create a new empire in the world dominated by American views and ideas simply because it can.

Please have a look at the site which lays it all out for you and then, let's discuss!

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