Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Educated Australians for Sale!

The Age recently reported:

A survey of Australian bosses has found that having an MBA means little when it comes to getting a job.

According to the survey by The Executive Connection, a mere five per cent of employers placed any value on the degree when recruiting and fewer than a quarter even felt that an MBA was "advantageous".

More than half (54 per cent) said candidates with an MBA did not stand out from the rest of the pack, and 18 per cent said it was not valued at all.

No wonder our graduates get jobs in the rest of the world. They have to leave Australia to find one that is commensurate with their education.

Employers and the government then have the gall to complain that we are suffering a brain drain!

When will employers and the government realise that social policy which suggests that it is a good thing to obtain education as it is the means to having job opportunities needs to be reinforced with some education of Human Resource Management companies and teams so that they will start to value the education that people spend years of their life and a considerable amount of their own money acquiring.

A smarter Australia? Learning organisations?

Not according to this information.

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