Friday, May 06, 2005

The Australian Association Of Social Workers - Yet again


In June 2003, the Committee of Management of the Western Australian Branch of the AASW resigned due, amongst other things, to their concern about the imminent insolvency of the AASW and the loss of self-generated State funds and savings from capitation fees to the national coffers.

The WA membership was surveyed and out of this arose the urgent issue of Branches being able to raise their own funds (from CPE events, Branch conferences etc.) and retain these funds as well as Branch capitation fees.

In June 2004 at the face to face Board Meeting in Canberra, the realisation of the AASW’s financial situation was clear and the only way for the Association to continue a level of financial feasibility was to use all the Branch surpluses. Every Branch “lost” their savings/surpluses and this was necessary to keep the AASW afloat. For many Branches and COM’s this came as a large shock and there has been ongoing debate about what should have been done, could have been done etc.. For some members who do identify with their Branch and attend regular CPE events or social gatherings, they have gone without a local service. Those members who volunteer their time, professionalism and energy to their local Branches have been disheartened by the financial outcome.

At the Board meeting of the AASW in November 2004, it was moved that two additional clauses be included in the Constitution of the AASW (following legal review):

Clause 175 (c) to read:
“The Branch has the power on behalf of the Association to raise or earn money and disburse the money so raised plus monies from membership fees received.”

Clause 175 (d) to read:
“With the agreement of the Board, Branch Committees of Management have the authority within their jurisdiction to undertake activities on behalf of the Association.”

The Board also voted that:
“A Special General Meeting be called by 30 April 2005 for the membership to vote.”

By adding these two clauses to the Constitution, Branches will have greater autonomy not only to be self-generating but also to utilise these funds in ways that will benefit their members.

All members will soon be receiving a Briefing Paper with further details of these two recommended specific constitutional changes. There is also a National Constitutional Committee working on producing a document recommending other changes (in time for the National AGM in November 2005) to ensure a robust constitution for the association to support the future of the AASW.

Remember to VOTE either in PERSON or by PROXY for the Special General Meeting in April 2005, which is to be held in Canberra.
Pete's Points

Well folks, its MAY 2005 and so far no meeting of the Association has been called by its President in spite of the statement in their March newsletter advertising this and a Board decision.

If the Directors of the AASW Ltd wish to continue in office for much longer they should remember that they are a limited company established under the Corporations Law in the ACT and should act accordingly. I am not sure whether corporate watchdogs would be amused at a company deciding and advertising an intention to hold an Special General Meeting and then simply not doing so thereby denying their shareholders (in this case members) the opportunity to hold the Board to account and to take back some of the power that they suggest the Board has usurped.

Anyone in the AASW care to comment?

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