Saturday, May 14, 2005

A suggestion for intending travellers.

In the recent allegations and revelations about baggage handlers at Sydney Airport and the placement of contraband in luggage I suppose that it is up to the individual traveller to create the necessary evidence to prove at some later time - should this be necessary, that he or she did NOT have contraband in luggage.

Using a digital camera, why not photograph the luggage open showing its contents just before the luggage is given up to the airport staff and then another shot of the traveller sealing the luggage for the cameras with a set of plastic tags which if broken between the time that the traveller gives up the luggage and receives it at the other end of the journey will demonstrate to one and all that whatever contents were added to the luggage was added after the bags left the control of the traveller.

A bit much you think? Too much delay at the points of departure?

Perhaps - but then again what is YOUR life worth?

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