Tuesday, March 28, 2006

"Hell is other people"

Management-Issues: at the heart of the changing workplace
27 Mar 2006
"Red tape and long hours can grind down the best of employees, but it is the people we work with who who irritate us the most."
Pete's Points

Ain't it the truth!

It's not that people are not nice. It's not that they do not want to work with you. It's not that they have 'issues'.

It's just that they are SO damned ambitious!

The fast track to the top seems to be the goal of millions who do not want to take their time reaching for the heights. They want to get there at all costs and NOW not later!

So when they are nice - be careful, they WANT something and usually it will be at your expense.

When they want to work with you - be careful they are prepared to USE you and your knowledge and your expertise to get ahead and when they do they will ensure that that tread you into the ground because they do not want anyone around who will remember how they got to the top. So much for the what goes around comes around!

They NEVER have issues - they will make sure YOU do! So regardless of what sensible suggestions you may make they will always take the credit for it (or try to) and will always market just one thing - themselves!

So if I sound like a 'grumpy old man' what should I do?

Follow the example of all grumpy old men - go and ask for a large Flat White coffee and sulk!

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