Tuesday, July 11, 2006

And now for something completely different

There is an old saying that if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, waddles like a duck - the chances are - it is a duck.

I guess that a web site called BlogShares which claims to be "a fantasy stock market for weblogs. Players get to invest a fictional $500, and blogs are valued by incoming links." sounds like something that might really be a place to have a flutter on a fantasy share market.

How the hell they do this is beyond me and WHY they would do this is even further beyond me.

The header on the site looks like B$ which to me looks more like BULLSHIT than BlogShares.

Someone has obviously valued MY site at a pitiful B$2,100!


Not only that, but without having been told of the existence of this "shareholding" I note that some wit (or should that be HALF wit) who calls himself Thomas Whitman (previously known as Tim White) claims to "own" 80% of the shares. See his profile at http://blogshares.com/user.php?id=27528&PHPSESSID=03a0489f7d3fcd5e284dc6aa9aca9e56

Considering who actually spends the time and effort writing this blog I guess I am going to call on Mr Whitman or White or whoever he/she or it really is, to fess up and stop using MY blog as part of his trading portfolio - certainly without my permission. More to the point as the legitimate OWNER of this site what's in it for ME?

(Incidentally there are others of you out there who are known to me who ALSO have something to worry about as this idiotic site lists YOUR blogs as well as mine!)

As for the people who actually operate the BlogShares site - how about checking with people who author blogs whether they want to participate and if so how about the OWNER of a site getting some value for notional money or a notional royalty for all of the information provided so you can conduct your pseudo share market?

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