Saturday, April 23, 2005


The BBC Trumpets:

"Academics have voted to boycott two Israeli universities over their alleged involvement in "illegal activity" in the occupied territories.

Members of the Association of University Teachers (AUT) decided to suspend all links with Haifa and Bar-Ilan universities. . . . . .

Sue Blackwell, an English lecturer from Birmingham University, said: "Most Israeli academics serve in the army's reserve forces."

Pete's Points:

So what?

All Israelis are required to undertake compulsory military service - there is conscription in that country. When people finish their compulsory military service they REMAIN available in the reserves until such time as they reach an age when this service is no longer required.

Ignorant comments are apparently not limited to ignorant people. Academics who express their ignorance in public in this way should forfeit their right to teach inquiring young minds when their own appears to be closed to information that is easily available.

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