Saturday, April 02, 2005

More on the AASW

I wonder if readers out there can help me with some information.

I am advised that the Australian Association of Social Workers has a constitution which stipulates how the Board of Management should operate. I am advised that within this constitution it is specified how the Board of Management is made up of Directors, appointed by the Branches (or at least their Committees of Management) and some executive directors elected directly by the membership.

Can someone tell me how there can be a Director of the AASW if a Branch does NOT hold an election and does not select its committee of management and so does not have the body available from which a director can be appointed?

That seems to be the case with the Western Australian Branch of the Association which I am advised has not had an election since 2003 and so has not had a duly elected committee of management since that time. Yet it seems to have someone on the Board of the AASW who claims to be a Director representing the members in WA.

Could this possibly be true? Surely NOT!

After all we are talking about a group of highly ethical and well motivated and morally sound individuals who would no more violate the rules of their Association than fly.

So can someone out there help me with some facts please?

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