Saturday, March 19, 2005

Peace and the Palestinians

GAZA (Reuters) - A coalition of Palestinian militants threatened on Friday to resume attacks on Israelis despite a conditional truce agreed by other armed groups in talks with the Palestinian Authority.

Mohammed Abdel-Al, a spokesman for the umbrella Popular Resistance Committees, said the Palestinian Authority had not invited the PRC to the negotiations in Egypt and the deal reached there on Thursday was not binding on it.

"Our patience is over and it is time the Zionist entity be called to account by our fighters after the past two months (of calm)," Abdel-Al told a news conference.

Before the current lull, the PRC was second only to the Hamas group in launching rocket attacks against Jewish settlements in Gaza and communities in southern Israel. Hamas and another well known group, Islamic Jihad, both went along with Thursday's deal.

Pete's Points:

I am no longer surprised by what I read concerning the Palestinians.

The state of Israel has been in existence since 1948 and yet we still have people among the Palestinians who refer to the "Zionist entity" and who still want nothing else, but to promote the wanton killing of defenceless civilians and who have the unmitigated gall to say that their patience is at an end and so they want to go back to killing again.

Let's all look forward to yet another season of wanton killings on both sides with accusations about who is the terrorist and who is not and more families who can go to gravesides and cry about their lost loved ones.

This all makes so much more sense than sitting down and figuring out a way to live side by side peacefully and trading, making money and enjoying a long and pleasant life.

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